The goal of the Pathfinder Volleyball Club is to raise the level volleyball skillset and competitiveness of each Pathfinder athlete.  We seek to develop technical and tactical volleyball skills.  The by-product of what we do transcends into ~ Problem Solving, Cooperation, and Teamwork; all-in-all Path Finding.     #findyourpath



 “If you are on time, you are late”. Players should arrive to practice 15-30 minutes before the start of practice to properly start the warm-up process; mind and body!  If teams ahead are still practicing, please do not become a distraction.  Have the respect for your clubmates.

Dress Appropriately:

At every practice Pathfinder practice tee, spandex, knee pads and volleyball shoes are required. Take pride in our club/your club.  Teams can coordinate t-shirts for practice.  At the club director’s discretion, players may be permitted to practice in Pathfinder t-shirt(s) other than current season.

Players will not wear jewelry while practicing unless covered, taped, and or secured. Please do not come to practice with jewelry that needs to be addressed. Our preferred policy is NO JEWELRY.  USAV does permit jewelry while practicing and competing~  we will abide by their policy as long as athletes have all jewelry covered, taped, and/or not exposed. 

Players should not change shirts or spandex in public, either at practice or during tournaments.  Players should wear cover up shorts or joggers (sweatpants) when not on the court.


Players should address adults in respectful manner.  Coaches are to be called Coach “Sally” or simply “Coach.”  Parents/Guardians are to be addressed as Mr. “Bob” or Ms. “Smith”.  Parents/Guardians are tasked with the responsibility of helping us maintain the level of respect across the club.


Please respect all of the facilities and equipment that we use.  If there is a school team practicing, please do not enter the gym until they are done.  Please clean up after yourself.  Please leave everything as it was and/or return items to where they were found. Leave the facility in a better condition than in which it is found.

Cell Phones:

All cell phones are to be off during practice.


Volleyball may not be your top priority; It is a priority to some teammates and all coaches while we are in the gym.  Please respect your coaches and those teammates’ priority by being at practice and being on-time (early).  If you are to miss a practice, you must inform club director as soon as possible. 

 Pathfinder has the following guidelines that shape each team’s attendance policy:

 1)     You are guaranteed practice time. Playing time is earned in practice.

We understand all players “practice-to-play” and we strive to play everyone but our first priority is for all teams to succeed at the highest level we are capable. If you have any questions about your playing time, set up a time with the club director to discuss what may improve your playing situation.

 2)     Missed practice time can be made up by attending the practice of another team (must be approved by Club Director).

 3)     Representing School, Attending to Family, Practicing Religious Ritual(s) can be excused.  However, try to make up practices as soon as possible.


If a practice must be missed, or you are running late, you MUST notify club director as soon as you are aware. This is for your safety. Please program Director’s cell number into your phone – Gary Lee:  470-330-5796. 

 At departure time, if a parent/guardian and/or transportation is not present, players are to wait inside the facility with Club Director.  Parents, please be aware of time!  We don’t mind waiting for your children’s safety; however, we also have family obligations.  Please use common sense and courtesy.

 Team Selection:

 All teams will consist of 12 max players.

 Pathfinder does not ban players from participating in school sports or other school pride activities; we encourage you to do so.  However, players that miss practices are also missing the opportunity to improve and will create issues with cohesion.  Please respect your decision and your teammates priorities.  Please get to practices and arrive on-time.  When conflicts present, make up practices as soon as you can.

 *Pathfinder Volleyball reserves the right to dismiss any player at any time following a full review. Reasons for dismissal include but are not limited to: Parents’ and/or players’ inappropriate and/or abusive actions towards other players, coaches, fans, or officials; nonpayment; excessive unexcused absences, etc.

Conflict Resolution

 When conflict cannot be avoided, the following shall take place should there be issues.

 ~ Player to Player:  All efforts should be made to resolve the issue within the framework of the team. Club Director will act as a mediator only.  Both parties will have their opportunities to present their point of views. We will avoid impromptu meetings when emotions are high.

 ~ Parents/Guardians to Coaches:  As noted in our club policies - playing times are at the sole discretion of the Club Director which is then carried out by Coaches.  Standard coaches’ response to parents will be “please address your concerns with club director”.  At no time will we discuss playing time at a tournament setting.  Again, please avoid discussion when emotions are high.  Approaching coaching staff in an aggressive manor will not be tolerated.  Warning or dismissal will be at club director’s discretion.

 ~ Players to Coaches:  We encourage players to ask “what can I do to gain playing time”. However, that question needs to be addressed at practices.  Parents can help to facilitate that meeting.  Again, not during tournament play! 

 Team Representative:

 The Club Director selects a team representative.  This person is, by observation, respected by most parents/guardians on the team.  The team representative is also instructed to be non-bias in presenting club director with issues arising with respected team.  Further, team representatives communicate regularly with each other without the club director to share comments, concerns and criticisms.  Team representatives will have regular meetings with club director to discuss issues without any names, age groups, etc. as to not single out any one person and/or group.  This level of communication should in theory prevent major issues within club and teams.  However, if additional mediation is necessary, all parties will submit a written statement to the Club Director.  Club Director may solicit team representatives to help resolve the issue.

 Individual Training Sessions

Individual training sessions between Pathfinder Coaches and Athletes are permitted at a facility fully under the jurisdiction of Pathfinder Volleyball and Southern Region Volleyball Association of USA Volleyball.  All Pathfinder coaches are Certified and background checked through USA Volleyball.  No training session will be observed and interrupted by other coaches and/or adults, other than parent/legal guardian, without prior written consent/permission by Club Director.  

Travel Policy

 Pathfinder Volleyball Club does not sponsor, coordinate or arrange for travel to and from tournament.

Players and/or their parents/guardian are responsible for making all arrangements for local and team travel. The team and its coaches, managers or administrators will avoid responsibility for arranging or coordinating local travel. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure the person transporting the minor player maintains the proper safety and legal requirements, including but not limited to: a valid driver’s license, automobile liability insurance, a vehicle in safe working order, and compliance with applicable state laws.

The employees, coaches and/or volunteers of PVC or one of its teams, who are not also acting as a parent, shall not drive alone with an unrelated minor player.

Players are expected to remain with the team at all times during tournament day(s). Players are not to leave the competition venue without the permission/knowledge of the coach or chaperone.

Cell phone usage only during down time – when team is not competing or working.

Use of cell phone or other devices for Social Media – No negative discussions about team, sub group(s) from team, individual from team, and self-degradation.

Use appropriate behavior in public facilities, including language.

Night before competition, athletes will be in a quiet room by 9:30PM and in bed by 10:00 PM


 We promote positive sportsmanship!!

1)     Please cheer for our players. 

2)     Please do not cheer against any other club. 

3)     Please do not yell at the referee. Only the Head Coach and the team captain have any reason to question a referee. 

4)     Please do not attempt to coach your child.

5)     Please act in a manner that you want your child to imitate.

6)     Please do not approach coaches during a tournament with issues concerning the performance of your child or any other player on the team. Please refer to the Conflict Resolution for guidelines.


All tournament schedules are determined once teams are formed. Most teams will attend between 4-6 tournaments; unless otherwise agreed between club and team(s)

 Tournaments will be selected based on skill and competitive level, and number of teams entering.

 Each player is required to attend and complete refereeing/score-keeping clinic.  At tournaments, each player is required to work; equally. This means that each player will remain with the team until all work assignments are completed. Early departure from tournaments is not an option, nor permitted.  Penalty will be at the discretion of club director.

 Support your teammates on or off the bench.


 Please bring all uniforms to all tournaments. NO VISIBLE JEWELRY allowed at tournaments (Tape/Cover them up).  Do not change out of uniforms in public. Wear cover-up shorts or joggers while not on the court.


 Fuel your performance!  During Club season, please limit simple carbohydrates (candy, sugar, sodas, white bread, etc). Also, players should consume plenty of protein (milk, fish, beef, chicken, soy, etc) and complex carbohydrates (whole wheat, grains, fruits, and other vegetables). On the day before a tournament, please drink plenty of water. While water is preferred, use sports drinks (Gatorade, PowerAde, etc) more as a supplement to hydration at the end of a match or tournament for replenishment.


Sleep deprivation affects your ability to perform.  Naps interrupt your energy cycle.  The night before competition, be in bed by 10:00 PM and absolute lights out at 11:00 pm.

Code of Conduct / Honor Code:

·       Team members will display proper respect and sportsmanship toward coaches, officials, administrator, teammates, fellow competitors and the public at all times.

·       Team members and staff will refrain from any illegal or inappropriate behavior that would detract from a positive image of the team or be detrimental to its performance objectives.

·       The possession or use of alcohol or tobacco products by any athlete is prohibited.

·       The possession, use or sale/distribution of any controlled or illegal substance or any form of weapon is strictly forbidden.

·       Team members are reminded that when competing in tournaments, traveling on trips and attending other club-related functions, they are representing both themselves, their respected family, and PVC.  Athletes behavior must positively reflect the high standards of respected family and our club.

Failure to comply with the Honor Code as set forth in this document may result in disciplinary action. Such discipline may include, but may not be limited to:

·       Dismissal from team activities

·       Disqualification from future tournaments

·       Dismissal from Club 

 Electronic Communication Policies:


Pathfinder Volleyball recognizes the prevalence of electronic communication and social media in today’s world. Many young athletes use these means as their primary method of communication. While the Club acknowledges the value of these methods of communication, the Club also realizes that there are associated risks when using these methods to communicate with minors.  Our policies are set forth to be transparent, appropriate and professional.  We understand the policies may add delay to communication specifically to the athlete.  It is our best solution to maintain safety and transparency in our communication.


All Pathfinder Volleyball communications will be between coaches/Club Director to Parents/Guardians.  Should an athlete reach out to coach(es), we will respond to athlete along with Parents/Guardian to establish transparency and accessibility.  All communication will be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. The content and intent of all electronic communications must adhere to the USA Volleyball Code of Conduct regarding Athlete Protection.  Any electronic communication with an athlete and parent/guardian should not contain or relate to any of the following:

·       Drugs or alcohol use

·       Sexually-oriented conversation; sexually explicit language, sexual activity

·       Personal life - social activities, relationship or family issues, or personal problems; and inappropriate or sexually explicit pictures

Pathfinder Coaches may have personal Facebook (or other social media site) pages, but they are not permitted to have any athlete member of the Club join their personal page as a “friend.” Please remind your athlete of that policy.  Our preferred methods of communication will be Email for most general information.  For Game day communication and reminders, we will use GroupMe group text.  In both forms, parent/guardian will be our main focus.  Please pass on information to your athlete(s).

Pathfinder Volleyball has an official Facebook page and Instagram page. Athletes and their parents are encouraged to “like” or “follow” for information and updates on team-related matters.


Social media and electronic communications can be used to commit misconduct (e.g. emotional, sexual, bullying, harassment and hazing). Such communications by coaches, parents/guardians or athletes will not be tolerated and are considered violations of our code of conduct.  A USA Volleyball participant or parent of a participant who violates this policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to: suspension, permanent suspension and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.

 Pathfinder Branding Guidelines and Logo Usage

Any use of the Pathfinder logo, name, image, etc. on must be approved by club director.  Please respect our brand and rights to our brand. We work with a local printing/embroidery company you may use to produce approved fan wear.  This is the only place you may use to print or embroider our logo, name, image, etc.

Click here to e-sign